Who Gifted Us Racism?

we Indians have a very good habit we only talk about a problem when some one dies because of it and then we forget all those. Let see what is racism, Racism is actions, practices or beliefs, or social or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. And in India we have lot many of religion, castes,languages and tradition. And we have divided India on basis of that. A Hindu family is divided with Muslim or a Christian family. we have not only divided on basis of religion but also on basis of caste upper class and lower class but that’s not end we are also divided on the basis of languages. But OK i come to know we are divided but who exactly has done us on such a basis. First of all “we are responsible” who are still get divided rather than thinking we are human not Hindu not Muslim not christian not Sikh not Jewish not Buddhist. Secondly “our great politician” who just for the sake of our vote who are dividing us from the time of independence. They have learnt this from east India company how to “DIVIDE AND RULE” they might have not learnt how East India company made Howrah bridge or sang am bridge of Allahabad which is still in existence not like the bridge made by Indian govt.

I never come to know why Indian states are made on the basis of language like Tamil Nadu is for Tamil people, Gujarat is for Gujarati, Punjab for Punjabi and many more and see we are making one more Telangana. I read some where that at the time of Tamil Nadu the first state to be divided on the basis of language Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was not ready to do so but he has done so for the sake of politics. British govt. has divided India on the basis of religion and made Pakistan which has taken a lot of life and then now these politicians are dividing us on the basis of caste and other daily. Just to gain a power before every election you might be seeing a new reservation or funds for a particular race. candidates for election are selected on the basis of minority vote share. I am not seeing any end of it, it’s one of the biggest dark spot on the face of a Indian.

we have seen racism of Mumbai  against people from Bihar or people from Uttarpradesh  is it a freedom when a person from one part of nation can not go to a different part of nation. Recently we have seen a case of Nido who lost his life just because of racism. is this the India we were looking at the time we were fighting for freedom. we can not divide our self on such a basis. Do not let this happen. Government need to see who really needs help instead of seeing which cast or religion he/ she belongs to.

CONCLUSION – It is not some one else coming to tell us now we have to think out of the box and change this system. politician do not need to divide us  they just need to do job they meant for  if they will be doing what they meant for no one will be able to take your position. To get this thing done by the politician we need to chose our M.P. ,MLA not on the basis of caste or religion but on the basis of the work they do for the growth of society. we need to promise our self to not to criticize anyone on the basis of religion or caste. Lets be united and make Indian a better place to live for human. while I was writing this blog I came to now we got a one more new state Telangana as 29 state of India made on the basis of language. Indian Politics really sucks!!!!!!